Factory direct

Factory direct prices on manufactured or modular homes purchase

Bare-bone Factory Direct Prices on Manufactured or Modular Homes Purchase

Buy with Factory Direct Prices on
Manufactured or Modular Homes Purchase

Buy Direct from the factory dealer to you.
Save thousands on your NEW HOME!
Bare-bone Factory Direct Prices on Manufactured or Modular Homes Purchase

Call 210-887-2760

Save thousands by working with our factory-direct retail centers.

…Buy Factory Direct and Save thousands on your NEW HOME!
Factory Direct Prices on Manufactured or Modular Homes Purchase

Choose from these lovely builders:

Champion Manufactured Homes
(single wides, doublewides, triplewides and modular homes)

Legacy Housing Ltd Manufactured Homes
(single wide and double-wide manufactured homes)

Oak Creek Homes
(double wide manufactured homes and modular homes)
(double wides and modular homes)

For factory-direct pricing on Modular Homes, contact us at 210-887-2760

You can also save on Land-Home Packages and Pre-Owned Homes.

We’re committed to providing the highest quality service available anywhere.

Call us today 210-887-2760 and get going on finding your dream home. You can choose from either, a home that is already built ready to go, or you can create a floorplan with options and decor to fit your personal tastes and needs.

Champion Manufactured Homes (singlewides, doublewides, triplewides and modular homes)
(park models, single-section and multi-section Cabins,
Contemporary HUD homes, Modular Homes)

Legacy Housing Ltd Manufactured Homes(singlewide and doublewide manufactured homes)

(doublewides and modular homes)
Oak Creek Homes(doublewide manufactured homes and modular homes)

Using our online pricing store you can save thousands on your purchase. We will take care of the delivery and installation of your new or used home; we do allow trade-ins and we offer access to a large variety of financing options including VA financing, conventional home loans, FHA home loans, and a great land-in-lieu program that will allow you to use your land as collateral instead of a large down payment. We offer the best interest rates and loan terms available on the market. Whatever payment you choose, you will be amazed at the awesome savings and great service you will receive by purchasing your home from us.
CALL TODAY 210-887-2760


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