Mobile Home Transport Repair & Improvement services
We offer, fast, friendly and affordable Mobile Home Transport Modular Building installation and Land Improvement services to all our customers. Manufactured Home & Modular Home Transport on and off-frame Modular building setups, re-levels, retro-fit for FHA and resale, driveways, base pads, you name it and we are able to do most anything needed.
Repairs & Improvement services
CALL 210-887-2760 TODAY
Services & Transport
What We Offer
Texas Mobile Home Delivery
for Single-Wides/Double-Wides/Triple-Wides/Modulars (including factory pick-ups), Off Frame Modular buildings school building Set-Ups, Trade-Pulls, Lot Sets, Break & Wraps , Tear down and setup, Spot, Complete Turn Key available.
Land Clearing services
Need some lot clearing? we will remove debris, brush, trees, cactus, leveled out and ready for a NEW installation of a home!
Utility Connections
We also can provide House Pads-Utility Disconnect – Utility Connections with A/C Disconnect & 2 Outside Water Faucets (optional)
We can create a lovely driveway made out of several different materials such as gravel or concrete.
Hardi-Lap,Vinyl, Stucco, Hardi-Board, Masonite, all available for you.
Standard, Decorative & Covered can be installed if you need.
And More – Permits, termite treatments, pre-pour inspections, septic certificates, septic inspections, CCN’s, final inspections, modular inspections, foundation designs, certificates of occupancy, all installed by a licensed professional.
BpkHousing has an amazing team of full-time professional installers as well as refurbishing crews, deck builders, skirting installers and foundation contractors. maintains resources that go far beyond setting a home. Our crews coordinate and manage every step of the way, so that once you pack up your dishes, you don’t have to worry about anything until you load them back in your cabinets at your new lot.
Manufactured Home Repair and Land Improvements
Mobile Home Transport and Mobile Home repair and Improvement services. We Deliver All over Texas. We have home available to deliver to these cities as well. New HomesSingle Wides & Double Wides & Used double wide mobile homes near: Our Land Improvements are case by case depending on distance. Most Improvements can be done near these cities: San Antonio, Elmendorf, Floresville, Seguin, Schertz, New Braunfels, San Marcos, Wimberley, Canyon Lake, Pipe Creek, Boerne, Castroville, Hondo, Lytle, Pleasanton, Poteet, Falls City, Cuero, Goliad, Gonzales, Victoria, Corpus Christi, Rockport, George West & surrounding areas.
Improvements and Upgrades
- upgrading showers and doors
- install | replace windows and storm doors
- Installing Decks | Building Decks
- Installing Skirting; Stone , Rock , Vinyl and more Skirting options
- Covered Porches
- Gazebos and Room Additions
- sheds cabins barns garages play houses
Mobile Home Transport
License# 38083
Mobile Home Transport Repair & Improvement services